noteikumu zias
HP Officejet atbilst jsu valsts/reiona noteikumu aentru prasbm.
Šaj noda apskatti šdi temati:
obligtais modea identifikcijas numurs
lappus 117
notice to users of the U.S. telephone network: FCC requirements
lappus 117
FCC statement
lappus 118
note à l’attention des utilisateurs du réseau téléphonique Canadien/notice to users
of the Canadian telephone network
lappus 118
note à l’attention des utilisateurs Canadien/notice to users in Canada
lappus 119
notice to users in the European Economic Area
lappus 120
notice to users of the German telephone network
lappus 120
declaration of conformity (European Union)
lappus 120
lappus 120
notice to users in Korea (Officejet 4255 only)
lappus 121